Testimonials for Sarah and Swimology
“Our daughter, Kenna, was diagnosed with ASD when she was 5 years old. We started occupational therapy & promptly started working with Sarah. Little did we know how this relationship was going to bless Kenna. Sarah worked extensively with her utilizing many modalities. The modality that gave the most obvious & immediate benefit was hydrostatic therapy in the pool. Kenna often wore a wetsuit to provide pressure and assist in this process. Kenna flourished with her time in the pool with Sarah. If you have the chance to work with Sarah we would most definitely recommend taking the opportunity. You won’t regret your decision & your child will most definitely thrive under her care. ”
“When Sarah began working with my 2-year-old daughter, Annie was both fearless and fearful. While Annie was fearful of having water in her face, even leaning back in the tub for hair-washing, she was fearless with boundaries. She had no water safety awareness, so despite not knowing how to swim, she would jump right into the pool. It was scary and challenging for me as her mother. Through working with Sarah in the pool, and working with me in the tub with the at-home suggestions, Annie was able to overcome her fears, build her skills and confidence, and even go on to join a swim club! I highly recommend Sarah for any parent whose child needs an encouraging ally and teacher in the water.”
“Sarah has a gift for making everyone feel comfortable, and has been amazing with my special needs son. Her particular combination of personality, training and experiences have been wonderful for me and my family. She “gets” my son like others don’t, and has helped him overcome fears in the pool, feel good about himself and learn about boundaries in a gentle way. ”
“During the summer, my son Nathan, attended occupational therapy sessions in the pool with Sarah. He absolutely loved it!! Aquatic therapy was a fun way for him to improve his fine motor and gross motor skills. Sarah came up with creative ways to refine his coordination, all while teaching him pool safety and basic swimming techniques. I highly recommend Sarah for aquatic sessions!”